martedì 1 luglio 2014

Naminori Kaijin "Oron" - The Six F X Kenth Toy Works

Kenth Toy Works is going to start taking mail order of The Six F X Kenth Toy Works collaboration Sofubi [Naminori Kaijin "Oron"] from July 4th (Fri) 0:00 to July 11th (Fri) 23:00.

• Item
- [Naminori Kaijin "Oron"] ¥12000 (Shipping fee not included)

• Payment Method
- PayPal
Please enter your Name, Address, Phone No and Email to []

If the orders over the limitation then we are going to raffle and winners are announced by Email.

• Shipping Fee Guide
- Asia ¥1,520
- Oceania Area, Australia, United States ¥2,040
- Europe Area ¥2,400
- South America ¥3,120